Sermons on Faith (Page 2)

Sermons on Faith (Page 2)

For Just Such a Time as This

In Chapter 4, Queen Esther chooses to risk her life to save her people. In the process she calls on her people to be united in solidarity. We may not face the level of crisis she did, but we are always being called to take everything that has brought us to this day, and use those experiences to respond faithfully and courageously for just such a time as this.

Are You With Them?

Are we saints? How can we be sure? Is that even the right question to ask? We explore what it might mean to be model Christians as we discuss the story of Peter’s denial of Jesus from the Gospel of Luke. – Pastor Billy’s sermon from November 6, 2022

Doing Hard Things Together Through Faith

The Crossing of the Red Sea is an archetypal story of communal rebirth. It is a story of a people acting on faith together and being transformed as a result. We can draw strength from this story as we face challenges that we haven’t chosen. We can also be inspired to choose to do hard things together so that we are stronger as a community when larger challenges arrive.
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