Sermons by Rev. Shannon Weston

Sermons by Rev. Shannon Weston

For Thine is the Kingdom…

For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory Forever and Ever. Amen. This Sunday we celebrate the end of our series on the Lord’s Prayer and the end of my time as your pastor. I pray this will not be a time of sorrow but a time of celebration. I am in no way Jesus nor would I ever claim to be, but when I think about leaving and the end of the Lord’s Prayer I think…

Forgive us Our…?

We turn this week to the most confusing part of the Lord’s Prayer, forgive us our…What? Sins? Trespasses? Debts? Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us is important because it covers a multitude of sins (ba-dum ching!). Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us could also work really well in our world today as we constantly struggle with good emotional and physical boundaries. Yet, forgive us our debts, as we…

Give us This Day Our Daily Bread…

This week in our series on the Lord’s Prayer, we turn to “give us this day our daily bread.” Most live in a world where we don’t worry about where our next meal might come from, but this is not how all of the world lives. Our daily bread isn’t just about what we will eat. But do we think about our food and where it comes from?

Lord’s Prayer Sermon Series – June 30, 2024

This week we begin a worship series on the Lord’s Prayer. This prayer has brought together followers of Jesus into the heart of his teachings. I find it so enriching that there are different translations and interpretations of this prayer. Words and phrases that might resonate with us in new ways and connect us to God and all creation. For at the heart of this prayer is our interconnectedness. Nowhere will you find “give me my bread” or “forgive my…

Rev. Shannon Weston – May 12, 2024

When we’re honest about scripture, it is safe to say that it is written by and through the lens of men. So when a story comes along about women supporting other women, I pay particularly close attention. This Mother’s Day, we’re going to hear the story of two midwives who help women become mothers in the most horrific of circumstances. Listen to Pastor Shannon’s Mother’s Day sermon as we celebrate the women in our lives, those who are mothers, and…

Rev. Shannon Weston’s Sermon: Sunday, May 5, 2024

The feeding of the 5, 000 – it’s a familiar story, and it’s a great story, but it is because it is a great story that I wonder if its complexity is often overlooked. Luke’s version of the story isn’t in the lectionary, but in it are details about the community and Jesus’s continued empowering ministry that should not be overlooked.

Rev. Shannon Weston – April 21, 2024

This week we celebrate Earth Day in worship by focusing on plastics. Jesus said, “I came that you may have life and have it abundantly,” Jesus tells his followers. Unfortunately, we seem to have confused “abundance” with “excess,” and nowhere is that more obvious than in the ways we produce, use and discard plastics. Join us as we discuss the question, Do the plastics we create give us a better appreciation for the abundance that exists in God’s creation, or…

Rev. Shannon Weston – April 14, 2024

Jesus’ work never ended. Still hasn’t. As soon as the same day he had been seen raised in the garden, Jesus found the disciples gathered in a room huddling for fear, all except one, Thomas. The following week, when Jesus returned, Thomas was with them. Jesus apparently knew Thomas was doubtful of the disciples’ report and invited Thomas to inspect his body. But Thomas didn’t need further proof. Jesus then explained the responsibility Jesus was passing on to the disciples…

God is a God of Liberation – Easter Sermon

Three days doesn’t seem like a lot unless you’re waiting. Easter is the most joyous day of our church calendar year—the day of resurrection—the day of liberation from sin and death. What is more hopeful than death not having the last word? And what word is more needed today than that one? On Easter we embrace the great ministry of faith that God is a god of liberation, our chains are gone! And this liberating love is more powerful than…
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