Sermons on Faith

Sermons on Faith

Rev. David Harris – Sermon from July 14, 2024

This Sunday, we welcomed the Rev. David C. Harris to the pulpit! He explored the nature of faith and leadership through Micah 6:6-8 and Jesus’ Baptism and calling in Mark 1:9-14. You may know David as the co-chair of the Racial Justice Committee here at Govans, but David is an honorably retired Minister Member of Baltimore Presbytery since June 2016. David also had his own consulting firm for over 30 years, focusing on organizational change, coaching, team development, and diversity…

Rev. Shannon Weston – April 14, 2024

Jesus’ work never ended. Still hasn’t. As soon as the same day he had been seen raised in the garden, Jesus found the disciples gathered in a room huddling for fear, all except one, Thomas. The following week, when Jesus returned, Thomas was with them. Jesus apparently knew Thomas was doubtful of the disciples’ report and invited Thomas to inspect his body. But Thomas didn’t need further proof. Jesus then explained the responsibility Jesus was passing on to the disciples…

Words of Encouragement for the Pastoral Transition

In our story today, Jesus pauses on his way to heal a little girl so that he can attend to a desperate woman. During the pause the little girl dies, but Jesus then raises her from death. Pastor Tom reflects on how we as a church never stop our ministry but sometimes we do have to take time to focus on immediate needs that demand our attention. Doing so faithfully, positively, and gratefully will result in us doing greater things…

The Family You Choose

Minister Lea Gilmore preaching on Ruth 1:1-17 focusing on “chosen family.” From October 15, 2023.

Loving An Invisible God

The instruction to love God is central to both the Jewish and Christian faiths. So, how do we do it? How do we love a God who is invisible and completely beyond our comprehension? Pastor Tom reflects on this question by comparing how loving a person is the same as loving God and how it is different. In many ways, it is quite different and yet, if we practice our love for God we will improve the ways we love…

We Never Stop Growing in our Faith

The story of Jacob wrestling with God is a classic initiation story. Jacob seperates, faces challenges, gains a new identity, and reintegrates. We go through initiations all the time including puberty, moving out, finding a partner, becoming a parent, and many more. Through it all God is with us and through it all our understanding of God and our faith can grow along with us. We are always invited into deeper understandings and a deeper relationship with God. -Pastor Tom’s…
Clouds at Sunset

Grieve with Hope by Knowing the Author of Our Story

There is no wrong way to grieve. We can prepare for times of grief by nurturing our relationship with the author of our story; the story of our life and of our common human existence. The second coming of Christ and the rapture are details in one understanding of the story but not critical to our faith. Nurturing a relationship with God as the author of life, can help us to grieve with hope and ease our suffering.

Embracing Joy and Living a Persistent Faith

Minister Lea Gilmore discusses I Thessalonians 3:6-13 as a call to live a persistent faith, embrace joy in living, and dedicate ourselves to doing good in the world. You (Yes, you!) are a beautiful child of God whose good works impact us all. Let’s receive it and believe it.

Mountaintop Moments

When’s the last time you experienced a “mountain top” moment? How do you carry those moments of inspiration into the everyday habits of your life? This Sunday, Pastor Billy will preach on the transfiguration story from Matthew chapter 17, verses one to nine. We’ll talk about moments of transfiguration and the longer work of transformation.

Getting Off The Hamster Wheel of Worry

We all know that worrying is unproductive and unhealthy. We know we should worry less. Jesus makes that clear. Common wisdom makes that clear. But, how do we stop? Pastor Tom suggest three practices. The last being the one Jesus says we should do first, but even that one needs some unpacking.

Four Components of a Healthy Faith

The story of Jesus is the wilderness give us a caricature of faith. We are not meant to imitate Jesus’s 40 day fast, but Matthew uses the story to show us in stark relief the key components of a healthy faith. Oh and what about the devil?
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