Sermons from August 2023
You Are “Wonderfully Made” by God
Min. Lea Gilmore explores what it really means to be “fearfully and wonderfully made”, as well as living encouraging us to live an authentic life.
Listen…Can You Hear It?
Guest preacher, Chaplain Annie Owens sermon from August 20, 2023 about the importance of silence and listening.
Carpe Diem in the Name of Jesus!
There are multiple divergent voices in the Bible that describe what will happen at the second coming of Jesus (aka the end of time, aka the Day of Lord). The voices diverge on the how, but they agree on the when. Or at least agree that we have no idea when and it will probably be unexpected. This teaching reminds us that life is impermanent and finite. Not only will we all die one day (and we don’t know when)…