Sermons from March 2024

Sermons from March 2024

God is a God of Liberation – Easter Sermon

Three days doesn’t seem like a lot unless you’re waiting. Easter is the most joyous day of our church calendar year—the day of resurrection—the day of liberation from sin and death. What is more hopeful than death not having the last word? And what word is more needed today than that one? On Easter we embrace the great ministry of faith that God is a god of liberation, our chains are gone! And this liberating love is more powerful than…

Who Do You Say I Am?

Minister Lea Gilmore explores Mark 8:27-30, where Jesus asks, “Who do you say I am?” Delving into this passage, Lea will unpack its significance for our identity as a church and as children of God. – Minister Lea Gilmore’s sermon from March 17, 2024.

Rest as Resistance

The first thing God does after creating the heavens and the earth is rest. Then tells us to do the same. God mentions it again in the commandments, putting it as high as fourth, to keep the sabbath day holy. We are God-made creatures who need rest, not just for our bodies but our minds, hearts, and souls. Join us this Sunday as we hear God’s command for rest as resistance to the prophet Elijah.

Real Change Takes Time

We are people who run from one thing to another; we want or perceive we need everything “now” because if we don’t address it now, we will forget. It’s enough to look back and say, “Wasn’t it better the way it was before?” or as the Israelites in the desert said, “maybe Egypt wasn’t so bad.” Join us this week as we are “on the road” (or lack thereof) with Moses and Aaron while the community struggles to break the…