It’s Latin! It’s Presbyterian! It’s weird! It’s Per Capita Sunday! – September 3: The Per Capita is what we at Govans pay to our Presbyterian denomination for each member on our active rolls. If you give regularly you don’t have to even worry about it if you don’t want to. Your generous giving covers your per capita. But, some people actually like to pay their own per capita. For 2023 we pay $40 for each active member. Of that $29 goes to the Presbytery which is our local governing body. $1.15 goes to the Synod (regional body). $9.85 goes to the General Assembly (you guessed it: national governing body). So, if you would like to pay a portion or all of or more than your Per Capita please send it to the church office or mark the designation clearly on your giving envelope and place it in the offering plate. Then celebrate your weirdness as a Presbyterian!