Intergenerational Sunday School will relaunch for the spring 2022 season on Sunday, January 23, 2022. On the first Sunday of each month, Intergenerational Sunday School for families and kids takes place at 11:05 am on the playground. Every other week, Intergenerational Sunday School takes place between the services at 10:05 am. We will gather inside the Education Building in the gallery and/or Sharp Hall (as space is needed/available) for “stations” Sunday school. Each week, we will have new stations to interact with the Bible story for the week (creating a craft, reading, making music, and more). Children and families will be able to choose which stations they would like to explore each week. Families with children ages 1 to 18 are welcome and adult volunteers (of all ages) are needed, as well. Please email if you have questions or ideas.
Intergenerational Sunday School